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The Conversation Prize for writers, in partnership with The Curtis Brown Group and Faber

مجلة المذنب نت متابعات عالمية:

Are you an academic keen to develop a writing career? Do you have a book idea that has the potential to be a nonfiction bestseller?

The Conversation Insights, in partnership with talent agency The Curtis Brown Group and book publisher Faber, is looking for the best longform article and nonfiction book idea aimed at a general audience from our community of academics.

If you are an expert in your field who wants to develop your writing career for a wider audience, enter your 2,000-word story for a chance to win £1,000, online publication of your article on The Conversation’s website, and mentorship for developing a nonfiction book from a literary agent from Curtis Brown and a Faber book editor.

As part of your submission, we’d also like you to include an idea for a trade nonfiction book on your article subject. Please pitch your proposed book idea in 350 words or less and explain why you’re the right person to write this book.

Submissions should be in the following areas: History, Arts + Culture, Business + Economy, Education, Environment, Health, Politics + Society, Science + Technology or World.

To enter, please email your 2,000-word article, plus the following information, to uk-prize@theconversation.com:





Telephone no.

Your book idea [max 350 words]
Please provide a brief summary of a trade nonfiction book idea based on your article. Tell us why this topic deserves a deeper dive and why it would appeal to an audience of non-academic readers.

About you [max 100 words]
Tell us a little about you – your current role, your area of expertise and any relevant research to your book idea. Why would you be the right author for this book?

Please disclose any conflicts of interest that should be mentioned in relation to your article or book idea.

Competition Terms & Conditions[Pdf] – please read carefully.

You can read more about what we’re looking for here [Pdf].

نشكركم على قراءة المنشور عبر مجلة المذنب نت, المتخصصة في التداول والعملات الرقمية والمشفرة

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