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استثمار العملات

When Trump Bought Red-Meat Bitcoin Burgers, He Called It ‘Crypto’

So it was fortuitous timing for Trump that his campaign scheduled a stop, later in the week, at the Bitcoin-friendly New York City bar, PubKey. According to the bar’s official X account, Trump bought 50 smash burgers and Diet Cokes for people in attendance, at a total cost of $998.77 including tax and tip, and then paid for it all in bitcoin. Fox News posted a video of the entire scene, leading a sharp-eyed reporter from CryptoSlate to quickly point out that Trump’s role mainly consisted of standing by at the counter while handlers actually performed the transaction, passing smartphones back and forth between them. Whatever. The bar crowd cheered. “Crypto burgers!” Trump said as he handed them out. A voice from behind the camera corrected him, “Bitcoin burgers!”

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