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Paul Sztorc: Scaling Bitcoin With Sidechains

Sztorc, 34, said approvals of soft forks, which introduce new features to Bitcoin without undermining previous versions of the blockchain, are becoming less frequent these days, even though many of the proposed changes are relatively small-bore. “There is nothing controversial about any of the soft forks currently proposed,” he said. “No one has a problem with the content. It’s all a lie. It’s just a fake thing where everyone is afraid to say the truth. It’s too much groupthink. I hope to represent destroying the groupthink.” “Hard money” Bitcoiners, who see Bitcoin’s main purpose as an anti-inflation hedge, tend to be resistant to changes in the code, lest they lead to a dilution of Bitcoin’s decentralization and self-sustaining durability. Michael Saylor, who has invested hundreds of millions in Bitcoin the asset, thinks Bitcoin is a finished product that doesn’t need to be amended. “It’s good enough to be a hundred-trillion-dollar base layer. It’s good enough to be 200x bigger than it is. It’s good enough to be a $500 trillion base layer,” the MicroStrategy CEO said this year.

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